Coral AI


Cut your reading time in half — upload a PDF to get answers, summaries, translations, and citations in seconds.
How It Works:
1. Upload
Upload your documents to Coral AI.
2. Ask Questions
Ask Coral AI any question about your document.
3. Get Answers
Coral AI gives you answers with page citations using information from the document.

Key Features of Coral AI

Summarize & Simplify
“Summarize the methods section of the paper.”

Ask Questions
“Where does Harry Potter go to school?”

Translate 90+ Languages
“What is this document about? Answer in French.”

Get Citations
“Find a quote about the impact of technology on students, and give me the page number.”

Search Without Keywords
“Review this document and list clauses related to termination.”

Generate Study Questions
“Generate study questions about mitosis.”

Coral AI Use Cases

Use Coral AI for Books, Legal Documents, Research Papers, Instruction Manuals, Textbooks, Articles, Financial Documents.


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Sep 17, 2024 09:00 PM



gt2ishan's items

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