
ZipWP uses AI to create full websites with a theme, pages, contact form and placeholder content. You just need to enter a business name and description and ZipWP will do the rest. You’ll get a complete first draft website in 60 seconds or less for you to customize as required.

Key Features of ZipWP

1. AI website creation: Create fully functional professional websites in 1 minute or less.
2. WordPress and essential plugins: ZipWP installs WordPress and a couple of essential plugins automatically as part of the process. It also installs the Astra theme and a template relevant to your business.
3. AI-generated web content: Placeholder content of a publishable quality. ZipWP uses AI-generated content that’s on topic and usable right away or can be changed as required. Content can also include maps, menus, images and other relevant media.
4. Relevant images: ZipWP selects relevant images to add engagement to pages. You can replace all images as required during setup or once the site has been created.
5. Working contact forms: If you add your email and information during setup, ZipWP will create functioning contact forms and insert them into relevant pages.

ZipWP Use Cases

1. Creating a website from scratch without coding
2. Creating content for websites such as maps, menus, images, and other relevant media.


License Option
Quality checked by Saas Site
Future updates
Free support

Member since Jul 2024

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Sep 19, 2024 04:56 AM



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