Potis AI


n today’s fast-paced business world, the traditional CV is becoming a relic of the past. At Potis AI, we understand that a well-crafted CV doesn’t necessarily equate to the best candidate for your company. That’s why we’ve developed a cutting-edge solution to transform the way you recruit.

Imagine a tool that sifts through candidates based on their true potential, not just on their ability to write an impressive resume. Potis AI does exactly that. By focusing on the real skills and value candidates can bring to your company, we ensure you’re not missing out on top talent.

Did you know that 95% of candidates are filtered out at the resume analysis stage? With Potis AI, this statistic becomes a thing of the past. Our AI-driven system is your recruitment co-pilot, screening and finding the best candidates for face-to-face conversations without relying on CVs.

All it requires from you is a job description. From there, Potis AI identifies key skills, composes relevant questions, and conducts pre-screening interviews. This process ensures every candidate who responds to your vacancies is given a fair chance, based on what truly matters.

Join the ranks of forward-thinking companies who have already embraced Potis AI. Let us redefine your recruitment process and connect you with the candidates who will truly make a difference in your organization.

Key Features of Potis AI

– AI-Driven Candidate Screening: Potis AI utilizes advanced artificial intelligence to screen candidates. By analyzing the job description you provide, it identifies the key skills required and automatically evaluates candidates based on these criteria.

– Automated Pre-Screening Interviews: The system is equipped to conduct pre-screening interviews. Potis AI generates relevant questions and interacts with candidates, ensuring a comprehensive initial assessment without manual effort.

– Focus on True Potential: By moving beyond CVs, Potis AI allows you to discover candidates who truly fit the job role. This method ensures that you don’t miss out on talented individuals who might not excel at CV writing but are perfect for the role.

– Comprehensive Candidate Analysis: Potis AI provides a detailed analysis of each candidate’s fit for the role, based on the skills and attributes identified as crucial for the position. This enables informed decision-making in the recruitment process.

Potis AI Use Cases

Streamlined Recruitment for Large-Scale Hiring: Companies facing high-volume recruitment can utilize Potis AI to efficiently sift through a large pool of applicants. By automating the initial screening process, it allows recruiters to focus on engaging with the most promising candidates, saving time and resources.

Identifying Hidden Gems in the Talent Pool: Potis AI excels in uncovering candidates who may be overlooked due to less polished CVs but possess the essential skills and potential for the role. This is particularly beneficial for roles where practical skills and cultural fit are more critical than formal qualifications.

Enhancing Diversity in Hiring: By focusing on skills and potential rather than traditional resume credentials, Potis AI helps companies in promoting diversity and inclusivity in their hiring process. This approach reduces unconscious biases linked to educational background, work history, or personal details typically found in CVs

Startup and SME Talent Acquisition: Startups and small to medium enterprises (SMEs) looking for key talent can leverage Potis AI to compete in the talent market. It allows them to efficiently identify candidates who can adapt and contribute significantly to rapidly evolving environments.


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Sep 17, 2024 09:02 PM


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